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Jim Lewis

“Pesticides play an important role on my farm, protecting crops from weeds, insects and other pests. Using pesticides has also helped me adopt important conservation practices to protect my soil and the Chesapeake Bay. Use of these pesticides is based on the best available science to ensure these tools are safe for people and the environment.”

Dale Brown

“My farm has been in my family for generations and I’m here to pass it onto the next. That’s why I use conservation practices to combat climate change. On my farm, I’m capturing carbon, reducing fuel use, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and lessening runoff. Did you know that Maryland farmers lead the nation in adopting these practices?”

Evan Staley

“I plant GMO crops on my farm, allowing me to grow more food using fewer resources, and protecting my crops from pests. Planting GMOs has also helped me become more sustainable by protecting my soil and the Chesapeake Bay. Using GMOs is based on the best available science to ensure these tools are safe for people and the environment.”

Belinda Burrier

“Did you know that soybeans are more than just nutritious protein? From your morning beauty routine to your evening commute, you likely used multiple soy bio-based products. With over 1,000 industrial uses, soy makes everyday products cleaner for the environment and better for your health by replacing hazardous materials with ingredients grown on American farms.”

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are crops that have been developed using a more precise method of plant breeding called genetic engineering. Basically, scientists can alter the genetics of the crops to create benefits for farmers and consumers. These benefits include things like insect resistance, drought tolerance, disease resistance, enhanced nutritional content, less food waste and streamlined manufacturing processes. For over two decades, GMOs have been used safely and research shows that they pose no harm to human health.

GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are produced when the DNA from one organism is transferred into another, or when a plant breeder merely turns off a gene.

Learn More
GMOs 101: Your Basic Questions Answered (US Department of Agriculture) –
Science of GMOs (UConn CAHNR) –
Learn From Experts (CropLife International) –


Farmers, whether they use conventional or organic methods, use pesticides to protect their crops from damage caused by weeds, insects and diseases. These amazing tools save farmers billions of dollars every year and can even help them adopt sustainable practices like no-till and cover crops. Pesticides are thoroughly tested and reviewed on a regular basis to make sure they’re safe for humans and our environment. In fact, government agencies are hard at work to keep pesticide residue levels far below any potential health risks.

Pesticides are an important tool to protect food supply from pests, weeds and diseases that have the power to destroy entire crops.

Learn More
Fertilizers & Pesticides (US Department of Agriculture) –
Food & Pesticides (US Environmental Protection Agency) –
Pesticide Facts (CropLife International) –


Sustainability is a term that denotes our responsibility to the environment, social and economic activities, and management practices that ensure a better future for the planet. Among the many practices, sustainable farming is becoming an increasingly pivotal aspect of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering carbon, improving soil quality and protecting biodiversity. Integrating these practices and philosophies requires expert knowledge, public participation and government measures that support farmers’ knowledge and resources.

Maryland farmers show their commitment to sustainability by implementing multiple conservation practices to keep the water and soil healthy. 

Learn More
Natural Resource Concerns (US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service) –
Sustainability: Doing Much More with Less (United Soybean Board) –
Building Resilience for Thriving Communities (MD Association of Soil Conservation Districts) –

Bio-Based Products

Bio-based products are made from renewable plant or animal-based resources. These products, ranging from building materials, cleaning supplies, furniture, office supplies, cosmetics and more, are designed to replace traditional products that are made from non-renewable sources such as petroleum or natural gas. Bio-based products are usually biodegradable and have a much lower carbon footprint than traditional products. They also reduce reliance on non-renewable resources, which helps to preserve these resources for future generations.

The same soybean used to make tofu and soy milk can also be used in the production of Goodyear tires, Sketchers footwear and even the artificial turf at Raven’s stadium.

Learn More
Bio-Preferred Program (US Department of Agriculture) –
Soy Biobased: Rapidly Renewable and Made In America (United Soybean Board) –
Why Biodiesel? (Clean Fuels Alliance America) –

My Maryland Farmers

Next time you have a question about Maryland farms, don’t ask Google, ask My Maryland Farmers.

Discover more of the incredible work that Maryland’s farmers are doing by visiting My Maryland Farmers. You’ll be amazed to read their stories about their lives in agriculture.